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DMS designs, produces and sells

Systems to Teach.

Didactic force feedback steering wheel

Didactic force feedback steering wheel
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Didactic force feedback steering wheel
Didactic force feedback steering wheel
Didactic force feedback steering wheel
Didactic force feedback steering wheel
Didactic force feedback steering wheel

The "Force Feedback Steering Wheel" didactic system is based on a haptic interface designed for video simulation games.

The video games transmit information to the device allowing, through a motorization to create movements and vibrations intended to restore realistic feelings to the player. This system put in situation with the system "racing simulator" is an ideal complement.


This system makes it possible to approach the teachings of the Sciences for the Engineering and covers more particularly:

- functional description of systems ;

- Python programming ;

- state and activity diagrams;

- multiphysics modeling ; with Scilab and MATLAB/Simulink ;

- experimentation through a rich acquisition chain ;

- the notions of servo control, open loop and closed loop;

- measurement of deviations;

- analysis of a network protocol.







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