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Systems to Teach.

Control'X / Z

Control'X / Z
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Control'X / Z
Control'X / Z
Control'X / Z
Control'X / Z
Control'X / Z


The Control'X / Z system is a didactic linear axis from a real industrial multi-axis "Pick and Place" system. It allows the positioning of parts with a high level of performance.

The material part of the Control'X / Z system is composed of :

  • An energy chain composed of a power supply, a Maxon variable speed drive, a Sanyo DC motor coupled to the axis carriage via a gearbox and a pulley-belt system.
  • An information chain composed of a National Instrument acquisition and control card, an incremental encoder mounted on the motor axis, an external force sensor, a distance sensor, a voltage sensor at the drive input, and motor current and voltage sensors.


The richness of the instrumentation allows the characterization of all behaviors in a way rarely observed. This system allows to approach key points of the programs such as:

- the mechanical analysis of the power transmission chain,

- the notion of operating point,

- the notion of efficiency,

- the motor dimensioning,

- the energy performance of a power transmission chain,

- Open loop and closed loop controls,

- the influence of the corrector on the performance of a control system and synthesis of corrector by the method of Ziegler and Nichols,

- PWM control,

- the study of trapezoidal speed laws,

- frequency analysis,

- the study of the Bode diagram,

- studies on sensors and signal conditioning.


Associated with the Control'Drive software, Control'X / Z allows you to analyze, experiment, model, solve and design a system that meets the expected requirements.



Complement anti-sway and inverted pendulum add-on










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