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Systems to Teach.

Parts Sorter System - Mechanical Study/Servicing

Parts Sorter System - Mechanical Study/Servicing
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The didactic system " Coin sorter mechanical studies and servo-control " comes from a real machine designed to sort and count coins in euros. It exploits the dimensional characteristic of each coin in order to sort the coins at the speed, announced by the manufacturer SAFESCAN, of 220 coins/min.


This didactic version called mechanical studies and servo-control allows studies on the principle of sorting and on the destocking of the coins.

The servo-control part can be approached in a classical island (experimenter, modeler and team leader) with the help of a structuring of the adapted activities and of a networked control and acquisition device. It allows to model the non-linearities linked to saturation and friction but also to sampling and quantification.


The mechanical part can be approached in a classical island but the original problem of industrial compromise also allows a structuring in project island (kinematics, statics and dynamics).


This system is an ideal support for the new industrial sciences lessons for the engineer.



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