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DMS designs, produces and sells

Systems to Teach.

Recyclable materials recovery unit

Recyclable materials recovery unit
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Recyclable materials recovery unit
Recyclable materials recovery unit
Recyclable materials recovery unit
Recyclable materials recovery unit
Recyclable materials recovery unit
Recyclable materials recovery unit
Recyclable materials recovery unit

Waste sorting methods vary according to the type of waste and the type of collection. In order to limit as much as possible the tonnages destined for landfill or incineration, the legislator imposes increasingly ambitious objectives in terms of recycling and recovery.

Allowing up to 3 pairs of students to work simultaneously on the system, the Recyclable Materials Recovery Unit is a small didactic production line which aims to automate the sorting and compacting of recyclable household waste (cans, caps, cardboard..)

This multidisciplinary system approaches mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic skills in a context of environmental problems.


A tablet serves as a user interface, and allows access to activities. These activities are presented in the form of dynamic PDF forms and include links to videos, photos and dynamic 3D maps.







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