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DMS designs, produces and sells

Systems to Teach.

Trekhy : Autonomous hydrogen fuel cell electric generator

Trekhy : Autonomous hydrogen fuel cell electric generator
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Trekhy : Autonomous hydrogen fuel cell electric generator
Trekhy : Autonomous hydrogen fuel cell electric generator
Trekhy : Autonomous hydrogen fuel cell electric generator
Trekhy : Autonomous hydrogen fuel cell electric generator
Trekhy : Autonomous hydrogen fuel cell electric generator
Trekhy : Autonomous hydrogen fuel cell electric generator

Used in the military, humanitarian missions or operations on natural disasters, this product is an industrial, robust, portable and autonomous solution for the production of electrical energy available to rescue workers.

(For example, distributed in Japan to face the consequences of earthquakes, in Ukraine etc...)

The production of hydrogen is done via the autonomous reactor (via controlled chemical reaction)


This training material was developed from a product actually manufactured and distributed by PRAGMA INDUSTRIES.

It allows the discovery of the "hydrogen" energy vector and the acquisition of knowledge about the conversion of hydrogen/electric energy.
This system allows to approach the teachings of the Engineering Sciences, the field of the STI2D and the Sciences and technologies of laboratory and covers more particularly::

  • the different modes of hydrogen production,
  • the conversion of energy from a fuel cell,
  • the different fuel cell technologies available on the market,
  • the use of fuel cell management electronics,
  • the use of supercapacitors in the energy chain,
  • thstudy of the security of a system using hydrogen,
  • the analysis of the life cycle of a fuel cell.





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